Thursday, 9 June 2016

Life got in the way

Hello everyone!

I have finally come out of hiding and decided it was time to start blogging again! Hurrah!
Firstly, I would just like to say 'Hello *waving hand emoji*' to all of you reading this post, whether you are new or have read any of my past posts. I hope you are all well :)

As many of you will know, sometimes you decide to do something exciting and new (in my case, it this was starting up a blog), but then life gets in the way and stops you. I was unfortunately a victim of this, but I am back and am going to try and give this another shot.

When I started up this blog, Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and Louise Pentland (Sprinkleofglitter) were, and still are, my biggest inspirations. The way they write their posts in such a friendly and comical way really appealed to me as it made me feel happy and like I was reading something that my friend had just written, and also something which I could relate too.

Obviously this blog is nowhere near their blogs as they are Queens of blogging, but I felt inspired to share my thoughts and advice on a whole range of subjects. I like the feeling that I can share my thoughts and opinions, photographs, and read these posts back in years to come and remember what I did and what I was loving at a particular point in my life. It's like a little online diary :)

I'm not going to promise that I'm going to blog all the time, as that didn't work the first time and, like I said, life got in the way. However, I will try and blog as and when I can, and when I have something to blog about!

So, thank you for reading. I know this post isn't very interesting but hopefully the next one will be. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions on what I should blog about, feel free to drop a comment below :)

Emma x

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