So, I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's since the last time I posted.
The last time that I posted was back in January, and I actually can't believe that it's been this long! As you already know, or don't already know, I have been studying at my secondary school's sixth form for the past two years. And I am relieved, and also quite sad to say that those days are now over for me. I had my last ever exam yesterday morning and now I never have to enter that building again (other than when I get my exam results in August).
It feels super weird to say that i've finished school completely now as i've never really looked beyond it for what i'm going to do afterwards. Many of my friends and family members all know/knew what they had wanted to aspire to become from a very early age, although I feel that I am part of an minority who don't really know where to go from here. I would say that it feels like I'm stuck in quick sand and don't know how to escape- I find it difficult to know which direction I want to go in. However, this also means that I am not tied down on one particular career choice and now I can live my life freely and experience different things that I have never had the chance to experience before. I am optimistic about what opportunities lie ahead for me.
I just wanted to post this so that if there are any other people who have finished school/ sixth form, or who are almost finished with their education, to not worry about trying to find something to work towards or having completely no idea of what you want to do- Because there's a chance that others around you feel the same. Just do your best and always try and consider opportunities that may come your way (which was actually one of my new year's resolutions). You'll never know how good you are at something until you try it.
So, on that note, this also means that I have SO much free time on my hands! Meaning that I should be blogging a lot more then I was before! Yay!
I hope you have liked reading this post and thank you for doing so if you have. If you have any questions, or even want to share your future thoughts with me and the blogging community please comment down below, I would love to read them.
Emma x