So, since I last blogged, many things have changed that have made it quite hard for me to find the time to blog again. One of these changes was that I went back to school! I'm now in my last year of A-Levels, which sounds absolutely crazy as it feels like year 7 was just yesterday. And another reason that I haven't found the time to blog is because it was my 18th birthday last Friday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
It feels super weird to sit here and say that I have been on this planet for 18 years. Again, it only feels like yesterday I was a little 3 year old talking to myself in the photo booths at Boots and running in and out of shops giving my parents heart attacks haahaha! True story bro. Oh, how I miss being little.
So anyway, my 18th birthday was such a crazy day. The morning was a tad disappointing because I had to go to school, and nobody wants to go to school on their birthday... However, I wasn't there for the whole day so it started getting much better once I got home. In the evening, I had a slap up meal in Harvester and then had a party on the Saturday with my family and friends. :)
Overall I had the most splendid weekend spending it with my friends and family. To end, here are a few pictures of some of the presents I received. Who knows, maybe you'll see them in another post in the near future?! And as always, I would love to hear what you think, so comment below! :D
Emma x